Thursday, July 18, 2013

18 July 2013 - First Mini Fall

I had my first slip up yesterday. Well, it was kind of a slip up..
I had no breakfast, because I was pressed for time so already I'd started the day off wrong, but I brought an avocado incase there was some free time to sneak in a late breakfast... Which there wasn't, of course. So I instead ate my avocado for lunch, which again wasn't enough for me to eat. The whole day I was tired and really not myself. I thought that since I hadn't had a great day anyway, why not use this as an excuse to get some heavier calories into my system?
On my way home I stopped at the local market. I had every intention to at least look at the fruits and veggies first! But I've been getting pretty sick of my mono-mealing (I know you hardcore RAW do that, but I'm not quite there yet!) and decided on getting freshly made brown rice sashimi. Sashimi is a type of sushi, it is a ball of rice (in my case brown, yay macrobiotics!!) with a piece of fresh, sushi-grade fish laid on top. I eat these as is, but some people like to eat it with spicy mayo or soy sauce. I bought myself sashimi and regular sushi rolls for my boyfriend.
I know sushi isn't raw, but it is paleo (I think?). It is also macrobiotic, if you are practicing the more traditional macrobiotic ideals from Asia. Hence why I call this my "first mini fall". I didn't want all my raw-work the past week and a half to be for not!
If you are in a position like me, trying to go raw that is, make sure that you plan for some falls. It's the best way to not disappoint yourself. And, you can "cushion" your fall, by planning healthier meals of whole grains and cooked veggies when you feel like you need something more, rather than falling hard on processed junk. Good luck!


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